Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Moving to MemberHub and Facebook

Hello All!

Georgia PTA has adopted MemberHub as their official communication site and we are following their example.

Please go to our MemberHub for future communications and information: https://lewiselementaryptsa.memberhub.com/hubs/35892

You will need to become a member of MemberHub, but you only need to supply your name and email address to make an account.

You can also access our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/lewisptsa/.

See you all on MemberHub!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Spirit Rock Coming Today!

A very cool thing is about to kick off at our awesome school!! 
Stop by the school TODAY at 2 pm to witness the delivery of this massive rock - donated by Site One Hardscape! 
More details about how to Rent the Rock will be coming out soon - watch your children’s folder and this page for details!!!

Friday, October 12, 2018

Pizza Fundraiser Pick Up

Pick up your Little Caesars Pizza kits Monday, Oct. 15 from 2-6 pm! 

CONGRATS to our Top Sellers!
5th Luke Preciado
4th Amira Malik
3rd- Christian Bosnak
2nd- Emmaline Dhirar
1st- Liam Nam
Kindy- Braxton Roberson
Mixed Grades- Austin Smith

Today's the deadline for Box Tops!

Send those Box Tops in with your child - just make sure your student's name and their teacher's name is on the bag.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Spooky Science Night

Join us for a SpOoK-TaCuLaR night of science! It’s sure to be a gourd time! 🎃

Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 6 PM – 7 PM

Tuesday, October 9, 2018